Four Reasons You’re Never Too Old for Jiu-Jitsu in Katy

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is becoming more popular, but many people wonder if they are too old to start training.
This question is simple enough to answer. No, you aren’t. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is truly the most egalitarian martial art in the world. Anyone can practice it, no matter their age, gender, or current physical ability.
Rather than preaching on and on about how jiu-jitsu is for everyone though, I would rather argue that questions about how old is too old for jiu-jitsu should never be asked at all.
Here are four reasons that you’re never too old for jiu-jitsu.
It is Baseless
There are several worries that older people have about jiu-jitsu, including;
- They might be hurt
- They don’t want to be the old person in the gym
- They won’t live long enough to earn their black belt (which is genuinely something I’ve heard!)
To those people, I say;
- Roll lightly
- No one there cares about how old you are
- So? Die wearing a purple belt then.
I could keep talking about all the reasons I hear from people who feel they might be too old to do jiu-jitsu, but none of them have any real weight to them.
You should give jiu-jitsu a try for yourself. It’s something that everyone should try out for themselves at least once just to see what it’s like.
If you were to ask a search engine if you were too old for BJJ, no doubt you would get a lot of articles; none of which would say that you were.
Any questions about age and Brazilian jiu-jitsu have already been answered countless times. If you can read this, you can do jiu-jitsu.
It Focuses on (Perceived) Disadvantages
If you are wondering if you are too old to do jiu-jitsu, then you are assuming that being old would be a disadvantage.
Is it really one though?
There are definitely benefits to youth, but there are positives to getting older. You’ll have years of experience and wisdom behind you, and older people have proven themselves to be better decision makers; something that can help with jiu-jitsu.
Even if being older was a disadvantage, would it actually matter?
This isn’t the Hunger Games. You aren’t fighting your way through a brutal competition where you have to kill or be killed and only one student gets to leave the gym at the end of the class.
There’s only one thing that jiu-jitsu is about; self-improvement. That’s it.
It Cuts Into Training Time
Time that you spend wondering if you are too old to train in jiu-jitsu is time that you aren’t training. Not training gets in the way of training, and anything that cuts into your training time is bad. Therefore, you should stop wondering if it’s too late to start practicing jiu-jitsu and just get on with it.
Apologies if this sounds blunt, but the reality is that things are that simple. The more time wasted wondering if you should start training or not, the less time you’ll have to actually train.
The road to the black belt in jiu-jitsu is one of the hardest there is, but also one of the most rewarding. It’s an incredible journey to go through, but you can only do it if you take that first step and enter the gym.
10-Day Free Trial!
Most BJJ schools limit new students to one free trial class. We offer new students a 10-day risk-free trial that includes a free uniform and unlimited access to all of our beginner group classes. We’re confident that the curriculum, the camaraderie, and quality of the instruction will exceed all your expectations. If that’s not the case, just let us know, and we will never charge you a penny (all we ask is that you return the free uniform that we provide you). Sign up for our 10-day free trial, simply contact us to schedule your first class today!